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How computation applies to my interests?

I am interested in music, I have two indie music labels, and often curate music shows before the pandemic, so I want to use computation to make some audiovisual interactions. Also I play guitar, drums and violin, and loving doing some experimentation about sounds, so I also want to make some DIY music instruments.

As it is Computational Media, related to "media", which are the communication tools used to deliver information and data, so I also want to make some works not just for entertaining or focused on the advanced technology, I hope my works can also help audience have more in-depth thinking and reflection.

What projects do I love?

(i really love the way they play with barcodes! Lots of projects related to making sounds with barcode in their website, fun and cool!)

(His live performances and installations are combined with sound, visuals, physical phenomena and mathematical concepts, and these are also the elements I want to use in my works.)

The process of creating self portrait 

profile photo.jpg
My profile photo for my social media
I didn't want to create a self-portrait exactly like this one, so I decided to make some small changes.
截屏2021-09-08 下午8.38.04.png

As I am totally new to p5.js, so I was checking out the reference all the time while writing the code, I took some time to understand how to write “arc”, and I did some experiments to figure the rules. About the pitfalls, at the beginning I forgot to think about the layer, the face was fully covered by the black hair…soon I realized the problem and corrected it. After making the portrait, my only question is how to make the sketch as accurate as expected? As I was constantly adjusting the parameters according to the actual display effect, a bit inefficient.

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