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Cornell Box


Users can control the character to move around. The environment I created is a normal city scene, there is normally no boundary in our real world, but when the character walks to the edges, finding an invisible wall that prevented him from moving forward, and then the scene in the distance turned into code, the program still being written. He gets confused and begins to run to the distance, looking for the boundaries of the world. Finally he found that he seemed to be in a box created by someone else. 

I made this box and actually trapped myself in it.

Ideal interaction:

user can control the character to move around, when the user reached all the boundaries, the character will turn around sadly, at that moment the face of the character can be seen, and the user will find out it is actually the user's face.


i did lots of research and found out it is really hard to do the real time face replacement, capturing every user's face and put it onto the character in realtime, it is hard to realize it in an ideal way. So I generated a user's face (the person in the video at the bottom left) by using Runway and used Deepfakes to put it into a video, to show my idea. And used Runway to do the face replacement.




we might live in unity too?

Should we feel empathy for the manipulated characters and avatars?


my original idea was to make the realtime interaction and let everyone have a try, but due to the face replacement issue, i cannot...

i also want to make some animations for the character, like when he found out the truth, he might kneel down and cover his face crying, or curl up on the ground... as i didn’t have enough time, I did not achieve it...

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