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Week 1

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截屏2023-02-01 上午1.16.41.png
截屏2023-02-01 上午1.16.19.png

“Because Pound doesn't supply the connections, we do. That's the basic idea. Through juxtaposition the poet lets the structure of the language do the work of a lot of explanation. And in the process the poet enlists the reader's help in making the connections that make meaning. Enlisted, we become engaged.”

- Everyone word and text has a different meaning and story to everyone, every reader would have their own way to process the poems.


nonsense verse


Our daily use of language is made possible by habits and conventions, but habit makes our language boring and dead. 

-- we are using a certain range of vocabulary, we are just using the daily use ones.

Understanding isn't additive. Meaning doesn't  accumulate word by word  as we  trudge  through  a  sentence. It precipitates, as rain precipitates  out  of  air  under  the  right  conditions. 

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